Sprint intervals

Today it was time to test out some indoor “hill” intervals.


So here it goes

Warm up for 5 minutes (I walked and slowly increased the speed until I reached a slow jog) and progress until you reach an incline of 5 %. Then the hard work begins.

20 seconds on (sprint)
10 second rest (jump off the treadmill)
Repeat 10 times.


This was really hard, and with the heat we have had here in Oslo lately it was a rather sweaty 5 minutes of running. But that is all it is. 5 minutes of intervals.


I finished off the workout with some skipping intervals and ab exercises.



Remember the shaker



What are your doing in the gym today?




3 thoughts on “Sprint intervals

  1. Gee, I’m exhausted just reading this at 6:51 am. I’m on the move with family commitments most of the day. I hope to get some real exercise tomorrow. Good for you!!!

Let us know what you think!